From Soma Graduate, Shelbi Fowler:
Upon entering Soma’s core program for clinical massage therapy, I really had no idea what I was getting myself into. I had always had a curiosity about massage therapy and was in the right time and place in my life to just go for it. During my education at Soma I really got an understanding for all that massage therapy could do, and all that I could do. I realized that massage was not just a way to make people feel good, but that massage therapists were healers in every sense of the word. The knowledge Soma has given me is an amazing foundation to build upon. I realized how much I knew and how much I wanted to learn more. Being able to physically change someone has been a blessing and given me a purpose in life. I could not imagine a more satisfying career than being a massage therapist.
However, with all of that knowledge and skill comes a lot of pressure. The hardest bump in the road for me has been to be humble. I do not know everything and I cannot fix everything. Learning my own limits has been the roughest part of embarking on this new career. Through friends, co-workers, colleagues, and alumni, I have learned to accept who I am as a therapist and offer my clients no more and no less. But most of all, I have learned to never stop learning. I will always be a student of my trade. That is why I am back at Soma for the Master program.