Sports Massage

Sports Massage

Massage therapy is making significant headway in the area of preventative medicine specifically for athletes looking to minimize their chances of injury during training and performance. The promising research, conducted by McMaster University, reported that sports massage therapy performed after intense physical workout causes the muscles to grow new mitochondria—the part of our body’s cells that convert nutrients into energy. And for athletes, energy is crucial to avoiding injuries.

Sports massage therapy has also shown to decrease recovery time between athletic workouts. While muscles seem to be one of the biggest benefactors from massage therapy, there are also numerous other physical benefits – from feelings of relaxation and reduced anxiety – to increased attentiveness and better mood. With this promising research, athletes are relying more on massage therapy as part of their training regimen.

The Soma Institute in Chicago offers the unique opportunity to practice sports massage with NCAA Division I athletes at Loyola University. Soma’s Clinical Massage Therapy program also includes an on-campus teaching clinic where students work with the public. If you’re interested in finding out more about Soma and their Clinical Massage Therapy program, give them a call today at 1.800.694.5314.