The New Yorker: Power of Touch

The New Yorker: Power of Touch

One of the very first senses to develop in infants is touch – and it remains one of the most emotionally charged senses throughout a person’s life. As such, it’s no surprise that research continues to uncover the many powers of touch and its far-reaching effects on the human body and mind. From boosting the immune system to improving cognitive abilities in adults, massage therapy has been shown to benefit many facets of physical and emotional health.

A piece by The New Yorker expounds further on the medical research surrounding massage therapy. “It’s easy to see how an elderly person who is regularly visited by a massage therapist might be happier and healthier than one who isn’t—even if the massage, as such, does nothing,” The New Yorker says. When it comes to touch, “the right kind can lower blood pressure, heart rate, cortisol levels, stimulate the hippocampus (an area of the brain that is central to the memory), and drive the release of a host of hormones and neuropeptides that have been linked to positive and uplifting emotions. The physical effects of touch are far-reaching.”

Massage therapists relieve pain, alleviate stress, treat injury and muscle soreness, and simply make people feel good. With many types of treatment, massage therapists can become experts in many modalities. Some of these include deep-tissue massage, reflexology, sports massage, hydrotherapy, and more. From hospitals & medical centers – to private practice & professional sports centers, massage therapists have more specialized niches than ever.

There is no better time to learn more about this career and if it’s the right fit for you. If you’re interested in exploring a profession in massage therapy, call The Soma Institute today to find out more, at 1.800.694.5314.

“Like our other senses, touch comes in gradations. It is governed by an exquisite array of receptors that can distinguish minute variations in the external environment.” -The New Yorker