Five Ways to Better Client Communication

Five Ways to Better Client Communication

  1. Ask Questions:
    Before each session, encourage your clients to be specific about their expectations. Perhaps they’re dealing with pain or particular body issues. Their answers to these questions will enable you to tailor your massage accordingly, and therefore make it more enjoyable and time-worthy for your clients.
  2. Active listening:

    Maintain eye contact when talking with your clients; make sure they feel heard and understood. Summarize their concerns after your conversation inorder to give them a chance to confirm the information.
  3. Periodic check-in:
    Throughout the massage session, periodically check in with your clients about temperature, pressure, scents, or any other ambient outside influences. Tailor the massage accordingly.
  4. Exit Interview:
    After each massage session, take the time to ask your client specific questions related to the massage. Did their pain decrease? What could have been better? These questions allow you to cater to their needs the next time.
  5. Communication Post-massage:
    One of the most important communication tips is to find ways to stay in touch after the massage. Follow up via email or text to check-in, or via social media. Offer future discounts or specials that you advertise for new clients.