Massage Therapy Training in Evanston, Illinois
If you live in or around Evanston, Illinois and are interested in exploring a career in massage therapy, you are in the right place. Nearby Chicago is home to one of the country’s foremost educational institutions for massage therapy education, The Soma Institute. Soma is committed to the excellent education and training of the many modalities of massage therapy.
Continually building on its mission to promote innovation and excellence in massage therapy, Soma’s clinical massage therapy training focuses on both the evaluation and the treatment of soft tissue dysfunction through manual manipulation. And, Chicago gives students the opportunity to experience the excitement of the city, all while attaining your massage therapy training.
Soma has designed its 11 and 15-month program to help students be successful and thrive in the ever-expanding profession of massage. Give Soma a call today to find out more. 800-694-5314